Saturday, March 14, 2009

Burning Images (part 2)

Well, looks the the sunpaper still has some kick to it. I was worried all of my travels would have ruined the paper. Gosh I don't even remember when and were I got the stuff, anyways Suya aka Susie is inspecting the paper clips and puzzled as to how it all works. Next time around a more interesting item will be used.

Burning Images (part 1)

I found this sunprint kit in the stuff im trying to organize and I thought I would give it a go right now. The kit came with a 10x 10 cm acrylic sheet, and 12 10 x10 cm sheets of sunprint paper. I have to place something , like a leaf or a key, between the acrylic sheet and the sunpaper in order for it to work. It's like burning an image onto light sensitive paper. I'm using paper clips.

Now, I have to wait about 5 mins or so in good sun light. The blue sun paper is supposed to turn completely white when done. Hmmm, has not changed shades yet. Come back later.